Friday, March 02, 2012

Checking out....

Just checking out the updated blogger interface.....hmmmmm...might have possibilities.

Just looking around

I was just looking around as there are changes afoot....though not definitive in nature. It looks as though updating this may be easier than what I had in mind as we look to possibly retire the main website. Still getting used to that...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wow it'e been ages... more to come.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Desert Conflict review 0.1 release

Ouch...and yet when you realize how far Desert Combat came from it's first to final release there's hope. I have to say first off that the primary issues are weapon balancing and some odd lag issues.
First, on the positive side, the maps are well done, very well done. They bring in a fresh perspective that all will have to learn again where the hotspots are, the best sniping positions, which is the fastest way to capture a particular flag. The map Basra is amazing if you like street fighting...there are so many ins/outs of a particular area they seem to replicate the real thing quite well ( I've never been but it strikes me as somewhat accurate ). But you can't survive on mapping alone....
On the to do list for this mod is weapons balancing. Anti-tank rockets are quite strong in that role...too strong in my opinion. And yet the package itself is quite weak with only a pistol besides the anti-tank rocket which really leaves you very vulnerable to infantry. The tanks travel at an increased rate of speed which should probably be toned down just slightly ( they are too slow in BF2 ) - it seems as thought the BF2 engine has difficulty handling the tank speed and adjusting for whatever other properties they've attributed to the tank model. I was attacking a group of tanks coming over a ridge. I had a head on collision with the first tank and the reaction was like each of the tanks were filled with air - that is he was pushed way back over the ridge and I was pushed back as well. They have the right lethality when you hit something with a tank shell that was good news. The sniper rifle was accurate but the recoil too great. The other thing was the weapons seemed to 'light'.... it didin't feel like you had a different weapon just a different graphic with different variances.
I feel as though I'm being to critical but need to remember from whence Desert Combat started and where they ended up. This mod did make me do one thing made me remember the Desert Combat days enough to go back to playing it again on BF1942...Ouch.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Time to add

Currently I'm looking for a quick way to add news to our normal site... and it looks as though it will just have to take time the way it is currently look for more current updates at our main site...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mods to Follow

Soon I'll be posting a page with links of Bf2 mods that we are going to follow. To what extend we'll have to wait and see but it may include such things as version numbers, date released-- to begin with anyway. More to follow...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Battlefield 2 badge site

Looking for an excellent Battlefield 2 badge website...and what are the requirements for each of the badges? Check out .... very well done badge site for Battlefield 2.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

BF2 Warzone

I might try this out... when I get home I'll be downloading the custom maps. Warzone... where the battle lines move depending on how well your team is doing. Cool concept except playing time may be an issue and it's not ranked...hmmmm. But worth a try .. check it out here.....