Battlefield 2 badge site
Looking for an excellent Battlefield 2 badge website...and what are the requirements for each of the badges? Check out .... very well done badge site for Battlefield 2.
BF2 Warzone
I might try this out... when I get home I'll be downloading the custom maps. Warzone... where the battle lines move depending on how well your team is doing. Cool concept except playing time may be an issue and it's not ranked...hmmmm. But worth a try .. check it out here.....
Battlefield 2 mods
Just as a quick note I'm getting together a definitive list of Battlefield 2 mods that at the very least have a homepage that has been recently updated.... currently I'm going of of this site to begin my list... find that link here
BattleRecorder and 1.12
Recently I managed to create a rather nice battle sequence and used Fraps to save some avi clips. Well the new Battlefield 2 patch has changed something so I can no longer view my Battlerecorder files...arghhhh. So I've got some clips but now those clips must be the entire clip...or to be continued. I'll be working more on those this weekend.....